Saturday, January 27, 2007

Backstreet Boy

A day in the life of Ryson aka 'Howie D.' from the Backstreet Boys.... Completely obsessed, he's going on 3 weeks wearing a long sleeve button up shirt all day, even to sleep.... Thanks to Ninang Shamu for introducing BSB to them! Lives and breathes Backstreet Boys.. watching and singing their songs all day long, that's okay- we love it!

Monday, January 01, 2007

New Years Eve Celebration!

We celebrated New Year's Eve / Ryan's 30th Birthday / Sharae's 28th Birthday at the Dalupang home.... it was fun .... good friends, good food, good drinks, good times!

Thanks to Arlene who brought the fancy combo shooter glasses! Let's just say all the girls were WASTED... ahem.. especially the Birthday girl.... woah.... no hesitation! and Ryan who started his first few beers around 2pm....

Can't beat jumbo BBQ skewers and Rico Puno Christmas tunes... thanks Mom for the CD

and thank you to everyone who came by, it was really nice seeing everyone! Happy New Year! This will be a better year for us all.... more pictures at

Monday, November 27, 2006


Darien and Ryson playing in this year's first snowfall...and Ryson's actual first time playing in the snow !

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Tiana's Baptism Day

Tiana's Day turned out really well , except when Tiana started feeling hungry... poor baby girl couldn't wait and was crying. That's okay.... she looked very pretty in her dress and .... it's her party and she can cry if she wants to, right Dare?

Monday, October 16, 2006


Ryson has a coinslot for any Unicef donations.


Here's Darien, Ryson and their little Stinger: Luke! So Cute!

Monday, October 02, 2006

Mariah in Concert

We had a blast, Ryan & I went to see Mariah Carey, along with Sharae and the Girls. I didn't think I'd have a good time with Ryan cause our seats were separated from everyone else, but he was actually shouting along with me... not as much as I did, but he did.. ahaha.... I was the only one dancing and standing the whole time though..

Mariah rocks, to all the haters... bet you can't belt out a tune like Mariah : P

Monday, August 21, 2006

Our New Cousin!

Tiana Lynn born August 16 2006 6 lbs 9 oz...